Suddenly I’m an Adam Driver Fan

It’s not too often these days that a new movie or show truly moves me. When I find the ones that do, I usually watch them over and over again (see my post about My Poldark Obsession) rather than move on to the latest production, due to the high likelihood that it will disappoint me.

During the recent holiday break, however, we watched several new movies, including Marriage Story on Netflix. I was not particularly eager to see Adam Driver in anything. I hate him as Kylo Ren, and the latest Star Wars movie is a disaster, in my opinion. I hadn’t seen him in any other roles so I had nothing else to go on. But, since the topic of marriage is always interesting to me, I decided to give it a shot.

The movie was heartbreaking for me, and Driver’s performance was absolute genius–especially when he sings “Being Alive” toward the end. I’ve become obsessed with that scene and have been humming the tune non-stop ever since. I read some articles today that say Driver should win an Oscar based on that scene alone, and I completely agree. His character, Charlie, touched my soul.

Kudos to all who worked on the film. If nothing else, I think it’s excellent inspiration to avoid divorce if at all possible, and to be extremely compassionate and gentle with those who’ve gone through (or are going through) one.


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